About us

The PINETA BEACH is an up-to-date seaside resort located within the Comacchio turistic area and precisely at Lido degli Estensi!!

Since 2003 the resort has been run by the Carli family that boasts more than twenty years of exeperience in the turistic sector. An extremely familiar atmosphere is therefore granted at the PINETA BEACH together with a great willingness to satisfy the clients’ needs.

Our warm welcome begins with an abundant breakfast and proceeds with delicious lunches that include: very tasty first orders with home made pasta, excellent main courses of grilled fish, fried fish and grilled conger-eel (the spaciality of this area), sandwiches, cold dishes and fresh salads.
We then offer cocktails and aperitives in the evening to conclude the day in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere.
All of this can be consumed inside, in our wide and confortable hall, or outside under the proper gazebos.
Moreover, we usually give amusing parties where people can dance and listen to music until late…. what more could we say?…….. have a nice stay!!



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